Astrology Charts
Astro*Talk gives you a no-nonsense and easy-to-understand interpretation of your chart. Step by step, this report will guide you through an inward tour that will uncover the personal talents, skills, and potentials that are uniquely yours. It will also bring you face-to-face (no holds barred) with your particular challenges and struggles, and perhaps reveal some surprising discoveries that you may not readily acknowledge or even share with those closest to you. Click on the title to see a sample report.
Life Chakras
Life Chakras
Life Chakras provides an in-depth report about inclinations (propensities) and disinclinations (antipathies)-your likes and dislikes. This chakra report is based on the actual skeleton structure of the solar system itself. It reflects the exact inclinations and disinclinations of the planets and their orbits to one another, the precise inclinations and disinclinations which form the cosmic framework in effect in the heavens at your birth. Click on title to see a sample report.
Life Landscape
Life Landscape
As Saturn, the great timekeeper, moves through a chart in its thirty-year cycle, it marks out a path that all must follow, ready or not. The Life Landscape Report, provides full coverage of Saturn for ninety years, complete with a chart for each 30-year cycle showing its movement across chart angles (with years and dates), personal interpretation of each of your Saturn cycles, and a chronological list of Saturn-related events in your life along with dates, interpretations, and even a graphic reminder of the nature of the event. Click on title to see a sample report.
Life Strategy
Life Strategy
The StarType Strategy report provides in-depth details on your natal StarType, plus sections on your particular talents and also what you need, areas of life where you may fall short. Next, based on your talents and needs, a strategy is outlined making the most of your talents and filling in the blank spots of your needs. Learn how to exchange what you have for what you need or want. Also included is a section on how you approach relationships. Click on title to see a sample report.
Star Types
Star Types
StarTypes is the result of forty years of experience by astrologer Michael Erlewine. It is unique, joining traditional astrology with modern perspectives. The result is an interpretation that charts your self and circumstances, and your inner and spiritual side. What is called the Dharma Chart, a chart of your life path. It is particularly effective in defining your approach to relationships, the ways you are attractive to others, and how to take advantage of talents to combine with others and balance your weak points. Click on title to see a sample report.
StarTypes Compatibility
StarTypes Compatibility
This report on our relationships with our lover, family, friends, and co-workers goes to the very heart of life as we know it. Depending on who we are relating to, we can play very different roles. Knowing our preferred role in each of our relationships can be very important, and that is where StarTypes Compatibility comes in. Click on title to see a sample report.
Time Line
Time Line
Progressions, transits, and directions all in one report. TimeLine is the most comprehensive forecasting report that incorporates several techniques commonly used by astrologers. The report intelligently weighs and balances different chart factors objectively to produce reports of astounding accuracy. Each month lists the major events in chronological order, showing the day with an interpretation and graphic image of the nature of the event. Click on title to see a sample report.