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This candle is used to help assist with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Candle is best used during the waning moon phase.

Talk To Me


Talk To Me


Someone not opening to you and not telling you what is on their mind? Or not talking to you at all? Light this candle to improve communication with a lover, friend or co-worker. Communication will come in the form of phone, email, text or in person. Write the person’s name on the candle before lighting.

Spell Breaker


This candle is used to aid in removing a hex or curse and removes negative energy or persons away from you.

7 Knobbed Candle


The idea of the knobbed candle is to burn on knob each day to bring about a special wish, or un-do an undesirable situation.

Cat Candle


Cat Candle


Black Cat candle is used in rituals of luck

Cross Candle


Cross Candle


Both the black and white cross candles are used in various rituals of protection.

Evil Eye


Evil Eye


Have someone been giving you the evil eye lately? Stop them right away with this fast acting candle designed to stop evil eye and it’s negative vibes.

Female Genitalia


Made of black or red wax, this candle presents the image of female genitals, making it a powerful representation of the Goddess, and fertility. Use it in your ritual crafts to invoke the fertile, mother aspects of the Goddess for your magic or otherwise aid and empower your fertility rituals. It can also be used as a potent addition to spells of seduction and lust, if you are trying to win over the attentions of one that you desire. The candle stands approximately 5″ tall and 2 1/4″ wide with image of a vagina sculpted into its front.

Female Image Candles


Image candles come in a variety of colors for different purposes.  The most popular being red and black. They can be used for

  • Love
  • Banishing
  • Get rid of an undesirable or other person
  • Get rid of illness
  • Separate two people

Fertility Egg


Eggs for obvious reasons rank among the most ancient and powerful of fertility symbols and are incorporated into many spells

Fiery Wall of Protection


This candle is used to help protect an individual or couple from negative energies or negative people.

Fly Away Devil


This candle is used to help remove negative energies, entities or negative people.

Inner Balance


Use this candle to get internal peace. It is also a great candle to use during Mercury Retrograde.
“As these 2 parts burn, my anxiety will be no more. As they melt down to one, I begin to be filled with a sense of calming and peace.”

Love Me


Love Me


Love Me Candle can be used to:

  • Return an old love
  • Peace and harmony in your current relationship
  • Draw new love

Lover’s Trap


Tired of playing head games with the one you love?  Make your lover come to you and do as you say. Write your lover’s name and place under the candle..  Meditate on your desires while holding the candle in your hands to fully charge it and then sit back and wait for your lover to arrive.

Male Genitalia


Sculpted to resemble the male genitals, this candle is a potent aid in invoking the God and empowering spells of the male aspects of fertility, affection, desire, and lust.
Black- fertility
Red- fertility, affection, desire and lust
Pink- Love

Male Image Candles


Image candles come in a variety of colors for different purposes.  The most popular being red and black. They can be used for

  • Love
  • Banishing
  • Get rid of an undesirable or other person
  • Get rid of illness
  • Separate two people

Money Candle


Money Candle


This candle is used to help bring money your way

Negativity Candle


Quickly remove negativity with this white sage and thyme ritual candle





I ask the universe to bless me with happiness, success, wealth and good health.

Psychic Visions


Unblock your third eye and begin to see things much clearly or use this candle to develop psychic visions.





Reversible candles can be used to change most any negative situations into a positive one. The black removes the negativity and the red brings about fast positive change.

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